Advanced Diploma In Therapeutic Art2019-08-10T16:03:27+01:00

Advanced Diploma In Therapeutic Art

Course Schedule

Course Content

The course consists of 5 x three day weekends. Each weekend includes one evening session. Contact hours total 123.

This programme is intended for students and practitioners who have completed the Diploma in Therapeutic Art and the Advanced Diploma in Sandplay Studies as validated by the Association of Integrative Sandplay Therapists.


  • We will review a series of Mandala drawings from the perspective of Carl Jung with particular reference to the symbols and archetypes of the collective unconscious, the core Self and the process of individuation.
  • We will consider Jung’s primary functions as expressed through a series of non-directed Mandalas as a guide to the process of psychological development.We will create our own series of non-directed Mandala drawings which express our world view, our sense of Self and the sacredness of our Being.

Transpersonal Mandalas

  • We will review the Mandala of the Self from a post-Jungian (Transpersonal) understanding of the Self that takes into account the perspectives of James Hillman, Ibn’ Arabi’ and Almaas.
  • We will consider the Hindu and Buddhist perspectives on the essence of our Being and relate this to our personal understanding of our Self.

Higher and Lower Selfs

  • We will briefly review the Enneagram and compare the qualities of the nine Enneagram points with the higher self and shadow qualities identified by the world’s major spiritual traditions. We will consider the Essence (higher mental qualities) and the ‘lower’ Mental, Emotional and Sexual Enneagram qualities. Using a series of drawings, we will represent the qualities of the higher and lower self from the perspective of the Enneagram; or the world’s major spiritual traditions.

Creative Visualisation

  • Creative imagination is the bridge between the conscious and the unconscious; or, from the Jungian perspective: the Ego and the Self.We will consider a range of creative visualisations and mindfulness practices that support us in self understanding and help to connect us with the self healing power of the Psyche and the True Self.

Imagery In Movement

  • The imagery in movement practices consist of a sequence of partly directed creative imagination practices which alternate with non-directed drawings. This process connects us through symbolic representations with our feelings, sensations and emotions; while at the same time bringing us into closer connection with the energies of the collective unconscious and our inner healer.

Creative Visualisations, Music and Drawing

Music generates a powerful energy that can connect us to our memories, feelings and emotions both positive and negative. Music and mantra are utilised by all the world’s major spiritual traditions as a means to connect us to the world of the spirit and ‘the landscapes of the soul’.

Listening to music while creating non-directed drawings is a valuable way of connecting us to a deeper level of our psyche and the spiritual dimension of our being.

Archetypes and Qualities

The Elements model identifies twelve archetypal energies in their expressive, balanced and receptive modes, both positive and negative (shadow).These are qualities we manifest in our everyday lives as we relate to our families, peers and the world around us. Using non-directed drawings, we will express our archetypal qualities as we understand them, through colours and symbols.

Self In Relationship

We will review and draw the qualities that we hide and the qualities that we show in our personal relationships and consider the reasons behind the qualities that we hide and show.

Alchemical Drawings

Alchemy is central to Jung’s hypothesis of archetypes and the collective unconscious. The symbols and images of the alchemical process are archetypal in nature and a product of the energies of the collective unconscious, overlaid by our life experiences. Those images provide us with insights into the complex process that leads towards individuation and psychological wholeness. We will consider the stages of the individuation process, both from the perspective of Jung and the transpersonal perspectives of Titus Burckhardt.

Through the media of non-directed drawing we will review our psychological journey and current state of being as expressed through symbol and images that are emerging into our consciousness.

The Weekends

The weekend consists of a series of experimental drawings, teachings and case studies that explores the theoretical and practical issues of working with drawings. Discussions will be held that link the theoretical and practical aspects of the topic.

There will be several opportunities for participants to discuss and review their own drawings, if they wish to do so; and relate their experiences to their sense of Self, current life issues and early life experiences.